Indianapolis Urban League

Participant Profile Application

The Exchange (IULYP)

Participant Profile

    First Name (required)

    Last Name (required)

    Street Address (required)

    City (required)

    State (required)

    Zip Code (required)

    Phone Number (required)

    Email Address (required)




    D.O.B. (mm-dd-yyyy)

    Interests: (Check all that apply)

    YouthFinanceCivil RightsSales/MarketingEvent PlanningCareer DevelopmentEducationCivic EngagementRace RelationsPublic RelationsSocial ServicesGovernmentHealthGrant WritingEconomic EmpowermentMentoringJournalismFund Raising

    Please attach a current resume

    Participant Contribution: $50.00

    Make check payable to:

    Indianapolis Urban League

    777 Indiana Avenue

    Indianapolis, IN 46202